Speak Romanian

Dear visitor,

Here it  is a short list of Romanian words you might need during your adventure in Braila.

Hi! – Salut! Bună!

Good  day ! – Bună ziua!

Good evening! – Bună seara!

Good night! – Noapte bună!

Good morning! – Bună dimineaţa!

Goodbye! – La revedere!

Cheers! – Noroc!

Yes – Da

No – Nu

Excuse me! – Scuze!

Please! – Vă rog!

I would like to have a coffee! – As vrea o cafea.

I want a beer / a glass of wine – Vreau o bere / un pahar cu vin

What do you recommend? – Ce recomandaţi?

I am hungry! – Mi-e foame.

How do I get to the hotel? – Cum ajung la hotel?